Returning Love to Life
Sold Out
Original Oil Painting on Belgian Linen
By Helen Norton
90 x 120 cm
1999 Second Test
The team sails in the grail cocoon and return love (mermaid) to the sea. The sea representing deep feelings, mystery, depth, foreverness and life. Aided by scientific device, used for good, utilizing science and spirituality and balancing the two to find harmony.
To trust love
To move through you
Like a flowing river
Alive with the healing nutrients
It brings
Not to fear love
Settling like a stagnant pool in
Thine heart
Rotting and spoiling
Love that belongs to the world
Of open doors and windows
Where gentle breezes and fresh air
Flow and inspire
The systems design for love was
To put locks and chains on her free will
To let her choke on stale air
Re-used and abused till it became toxic
And we drowned on what once gave us life
Love she comes and goes as she pleases
No Kings or nations leaders
Can own her true heart
On that we must be sure
And remember she is a gypsy
A vagabond
With bells on her toes
And forever free
No tax can find her
No jail can hold her
No law can limit her
Her power makes kingdoms
Poor by compare
Norton ‘98